
This component is basically just a wrapper for <input />. You'll probably want to use it along with a <label>. You also might prefer to use RFUI's FormField component instead.
Source code
import { Input } from "rfui-package";


<Input />


See Controlled & Uncontrolled Components. Passing value and onInput work because of
<Input value={value} onInput={onInput} />


Set size to either "sm", "md" or "lg". Defaults to "md".
<Stack className="w-fit gap-5">
  <Input size="sm" />
  <Input size="md" />
  <Input size="lg" />


Set rounded to either "square", "sm", "lg" or "full". Defaults to the value of the CSS variable --default-roundedness. See "Default roundedness".
<Stack className="w-fit gap-5">
  <Input rounded="square" />
  <Input rounded="sm" />
  <Input rounded="lg" />
  <Input rounded="full" />


Set disabled to either true or false. Defaults to false.
<Input disabled />


Set readOnly to either true or false. Defaults to false.
<Input readOnly defaultValue="example" />


Set invalid to either true or false. Defaults to false.
<Input invalid defaultValue="example" />


RFUI's Input component wraps the native HTML input and passes type to input, and so you could find the possible values documented here on MDN. If you are thinking of using number, consider taking this approach instead.
<Stack className="gap-5">
  <Input type="text" placeholder="text" />
  <Input type="email" placeholder="email" />
  <Input type="text" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*" />
  <Input type="number" />
  <Input type="password" defaultValue="foobar" />
  <Input type="date" />
  <Input type="datetime-local" />
  <Input type="time" />
  <Input type="file" />
  <Input type="range" />
  <Input type="color" />


PropRequiredDefaultType and notes
"sm" | "md" | "lg"
"square" | "sm" | "lg" | "full"
Defaults to the value of the CSS variable --default-roundedness. See "Default roundedness".
Omit<ComponentProps<"input">, "size">
See the docs for rest parameters. For Input, you could pass anything you normally would pass to <input /> because the return value looks something like this: